- Cell.h
#pragma once #include "ofMain.h" class Cell { public: int currState; //現在の状態 int nextState; //次回の状態 int activeNeighbors; //近傍の生命の数 ofColor color; //生きているセルの色 ofColor gcolor; //グリッドの色 Cell(); void update(); void draw(float x, float y, float w, float h); void clear(); };
- Cell.cpp
#include "Cell.h" //初期状態の設定 Cell::Cell(){ currState = 0; nextState = 0; color = ofColor::black; // cell color gcolor = ofColor(150, 150, 150); // grid color } //セルの状態変異測 void Cell::update(){ if (currState) { switch(activeNeighbors){ case 0: case 1: nextState = 0; break; case 2: case 3: nextState = 1; color = ofColor::black; // live cell color break; case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: nextState = 0; break; } } else{ switch(activeNeighbors){ case 3: nextState = 1; color = ofColor::green; // born cell color break; default: nextState = 0; break; } } } //セルを描画 void Cell::draw(float x, float y, float w, float h){ ofSetColor(gcolor); ofNoFill(); ofRect(x, y, w, h); if (currState) { ofSetColor(color); ofFill(); ofRect(x, y, w, h); ofNoFill(); } } void Cell::clear() { currState = 0; nextState = 0; color = ofColor::black; }
- ofApp.h
#pragma once #include "ofMain.h" #include "Cell.h" class ofApp : public ofBaseApp { public: void setup(); void update(); void draw(); void keyPressed(int key); void mousePressed(int x, int y, int button); void keyReleased(int key); void mouseMoved(int x, int y ); void mouseDragged(int x, int y, int button); void mouseReleased(int x, int y, int button); void windowResized(int w, int h); void dragEvent(ofDragInfo dragInfo); void gotMessage(ofMessage msg); //ライフゲームのセルに関する定義 Cell **grid; int rows, cols; float cellWidth, cellHeight; bool fullScreen, highlight; bool active; void init(int width, int height, int cellsize); void pause(); int getNumActiveNeighbors(int colIndex, int rowIndex); void RandomCell(); void ClearCell(); void goFullScreen(); };
- ofApp.cpp
#include "ofApp.h" const int WIDTH = 800; const int HEIGHT = 600; const int CELLSIZE = 6; const int FULLSCREEN_CELLSIZE = 8; const int FRAMERATE = 30; void ofApp::setup() { fullScreen = false; active = false; ofSetFullscreen(false); ofSetWindowShape(WIDTH, HEIGHT); ofBackground(ofColor::white); ofSetBackgroundAuto(true); ofSetWindowTitle("Conway's Game of Life"); ofSetFrameRate(FRAMERATE); init(WIDTH, HEIGHT, CELLSIZE); } void ofApp::init(int width, int height, int cellSize) { cols = width/cellSize; rows = height/cellSize; grid = new Cell *[cols]; for (int i=0; i<cols; i++) { grid[i] = new Cell[rows]; for (int j=0; j<rows; j++) { Cell *thisCell = &grid[i][j]; } } if (width % cellSize != 0 || (height & cellSize) != 0) { float ratio = width/height; cellWidth = cellSize * ratio; cellHeight = cellSize; } else { cellWidth = cellSize; cellHeight = cellSize; } } void ofApp::update() { if(active){ // get active neighbors for each cell for (int i=0; i<cols; i++) { for (int j=0; j<rows; j++) { grid[i][j].activeNeighbors = getNumActiveNeighbors(i, j); grid[i][j].update(); } } for (int i=0; i<cols; i++) { for (int j=0; j<rows; j++) { grid[i][j].currState = grid[i][j].nextState; } } } } void ofApp::draw() { for (int i=0; i<cols; i++) { for (int j=0; j<rows; j++) { grid[i][j].draw(i*cellWidth, j*cellHeight, cellWidth, cellHeight); } } } void ofApp::RandomCell() { for (int i=0; i<cols; i++) { for (int j=0; j<rows; j++) { grid[i][j].clear(); grid[i][j].currState = ofRandom(2); } } } void ofApp::ClearCell() { for (int i=0; i<cols; i++) { for (int j=0; j<rows; j++) { grid[i][j].clear(); } } } int ofApp::getNumActiveNeighbors(int colIndex, int rowIndex) { int ret = 0; int prevCol = (colIndex - 1 + cols) % cols; int nextCol = (colIndex + 1 + cols) % cols; int prevRow = (rowIndex - 1 + rows) % rows; int nextRow = (rowIndex + 1 + rows) % rows; ret += grid[prevCol][prevRow].currState; ret += grid[prevCol][rowIndex].currState; ret += grid[prevCol][nextRow].currState; ret += grid[colIndex][prevRow].currState; ret += grid[colIndex][nextRow].currState; ret += grid[nextCol][prevRow].currState; ret += grid[nextCol][rowIndex].currState; ret += grid[nextCol][nextRow].currState; return ret; } void ofApp::goFullScreen() { active = false; ofToggleFullscreen(); fullScreen = !fullScreen; if (fullScreen) { init(ofGetScreenWidth(), ofGetScreenHeight(), FULLSCREEN_CELLSIZE); } else { init(WIDTH, HEIGHT, CELLSIZE); } } void ofApp::pause() { active = false; } void ofApp::mousePressed(int x, int y, int button) { int xcell = x/cellWidth; int ycell = y/cellHeight; grid[xcell][ycell].currState = !grid[xcell][ycell].currState; } void ofApp::keyPressed(int key) { switch (key) { case ' ': active = !active; break; case 'R': RandomCell(); break; case 'c': ClearCell(); break; case 'f': goFullScreen(); break; case 'g': // pause(); patterns::gliderGun(grid, 2, 2); break; case 'p': // pause(); patterns::pufferTrain(grid, cols/2 - 10, rows - 30); break; default: break; } }
ここまでで、ライフゲームとして、成立する。 以下は細く機能。
- グライダー砲とパッファートレインのパターン定義を作る。
- ofApp.hの先頭辺りにに以下を追加すること。
#include "patterns.h"
- patterns.h
#pragma once #include "ofApp.h" class patterns { public: static void gliderGun(Cell **grid, int startPosX, int startPosY); static void pufferTrain(Cell **grid, int startPosX, int startPosY); };
#include "patterns.h" void patterns::gliderGun(Cell **grid, int startPosX, int startPosY) { // left box grid[startPosX+1][startPosY+5].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+1][startPosY+6].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+2][startPosY+5].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+2][startPosY+6].currState = 1; // left middle of gun grid[startPosX+11][startPosY+5].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+11][startPosY+6].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+11][startPosY+7].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+12][startPosY+4].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+12][startPosY+8].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+13][startPosY+3].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+13][startPosY+9].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+14][startPosY+3].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+14][startPosY+9].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+15][startPosY+6].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+16][startPosY+4].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+16][startPosY+8].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+17][startPosY+5].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+17][startPosY+6].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+17][startPosY+7].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+18][startPosY+6].currState = 1; // right middle of gun grid[startPosX+21][startPosY+3].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+21][startPosY+4].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+21][startPosY+5].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+22][startPosY+3].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+22][startPosY+4].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+22][startPosY+5].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+23][startPosY+2].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+23][startPosY+6].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+25][startPosY+1].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+25][startPosY+2].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+25][startPosY+6].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+25][startPosY+7].currState = 1; // right block grid[startPosX+35][startPosY+3].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+35][startPosY+4].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+36][startPosY+3].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+36][startPosY+4].currState = 1; } void patterns::pufferTrain(Cell **grid, int startPosX, int startPosY) { grid[startPosX+1][startPosY+2].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+2][startPosY+1].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+3][startPosY+1].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+3][startPosY+5].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+4][startPosY+1].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+4][startPosY+2].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+4][startPosY+3].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+4][startPosY+4].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+8][startPosY+5].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+9][startPosY+3].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+9][startPosY+4].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+10][startPosY+3].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+11][startPosY+3].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+12][startPosY+4].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+15][startPosY+2].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+16][startPosY+1].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+17][startPosY+1].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+17][startPosY+5].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+18][startPosY+1].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+18][startPosY+2].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+18][startPosY+3].currState = 1; grid[startPosX+18][startPosY+4].currState = 1; }