目次 |
- 考察
- 古代エジプト人は3:4:5の辺を持つ三角形で直角が得られることを知っていた.ピラミッドなどの巨大建造物.
- 三平方の定理を発見したピタゴラスはどこがすごいか?
- Nature of Code, Ch 8 Fractals
- https://github.com/nature-of-code/noc-examples-processing/tree/master/chp08_fractals
再帰的(recursive)呼び出しとは,サブルーチンや関数が,自分自身を呼び出すアルゴリズムをいう。 これを利用すると,複雑な手順を簡潔に記述することができる。
- 再帰的(Recursive)呼び出し
- "Recursive"という言葉を「頭山的」と訳した人がいる。
- 落語「自分の頭の上に穴があいて池ができた。その人が将来を悲観して,その池に身を投げた」
- 再帰的な定義の例: GNU: " GNU is Not Unix "
再帰は数学的帰納法であり,「局所的なルールで全体を記述する」ことである。 i)最初のコマを倒す。ii)n番目のコマが倒れると,n+1番目のコマも倒れる。iii)すべてのコマが倒れる。
- nの階乗を再帰と反復で計算する際の比較
- n! = n * (n-1) * (n-2) * ... * 3 * 2 * 1
- 1! = 1
// 再帰:n!=n*(n-1)! という漸化式で計算する。 int factorial(int n){ if (n == 1){ return 1; }else{ return n * factorial(n-1); //再帰的呼び出し } } // 反復:1からnまでを乗算する。 int factorial(int n){ int f = 1; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){ f = f * (i+1); } return f; }
void setup() { size(640,360); } void draw() { background(255); drawCircle(width/2,height/2,400); noLoop(); } // Recursive function void drawCircle(float x, float y, float r) { stroke(0); noFill(); ellipse(x, y, r, r); if(r > 2) { // Now we draw two more circles, one to the left // and one to the right drawCircle(x + r/2, y, r/2); drawCircle(x - r/2, y, r/2); } }
// Renders a simple fractal, the Koch snowflake // Each recursive level drawn in sequence KochFractal k; void setup() { size(800,250); background(255); frameRate(1); // Animate slowly k = new KochFractal(); } void draw() { background(255); // Draws the snowflake! k.render(); // Iterate k.nextLevel(); // Let's not do it more than 5 times. . . if (k.getCount() > 5) { k.restart(); } }
// Koch Curve // A class to describe one line segment in the fractal // Includes methods to calculate midPVectors along the line according to the Koch algorithm class KochLine { // Two PVectors, // a is the "left" PVector and // b is the "right PVector PVector a; PVector b; KochLine(PVector start, PVector end) { a = start.get(); b = end.get(); } void display() { stroke(0); line(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y); } PVector start() { return a.get(); } PVector end() { return b.get(); } // This is easy, just 1/3 of the way PVector kochleft() { PVector v = PVector.sub(b, a); v.div(3); v.add(a); return v; } // More complicated, have to use a little trig to figure out where this PVector is! PVector kochmiddle() { PVector v = PVector.sub(b, a); v.div(3); PVector p = a.get(); p.add(v); rotate(v,-radians(60)); p.add(v); return p; } // Easy, just 2/3 of the way PVector kochright() { PVector v = PVector.sub(a, b); v.div(3); v.add(b); return v; } } public void rotate(PVector v, float theta) { float xTemp = v.x; // Might need to check for rounding errors like with angleBetween function? v.x = v.x*cos(theta) - v.y*sin(theta); v.y = xTemp*sin(theta) + v.y*cos(theta); }
// Koch Curve // A class to manage the list of line segments in the snowflake pattern class KochFractal { PVector start; // A PVector for the start PVector end; // A PVector for the end ArrayList<KochLine> lines; // A list to keep track of all the lines int count; public KochFractal() { start = new PVector(0,height-20); end = new PVector(width,height-20); lines = new ArrayList<KochLine>(); restart(); } void nextLevel() { // For every line that is in the arraylist // create 4 more lines in a new arraylist lines = iterate(lines); count++; } void restart() { count = 0; // Reset count lines.clear(); // Empty the array list lines.add(new KochLine(start,end)); // Add the initial line (from one end PVector to the other) } int getCount() { return count; } // This is easy, just draw all the lines void render() { for(KochLine l : lines) { l.display(); } } // This is where the **MAGIC** happens // Step 1: Create an empty arraylist // Step 2: For every line currently in the arraylist // - calculate 4 line segments based on Koch algorithm // - add all 4 line segments into the new arraylist // Step 3: Return the new arraylist and it becomes the list of line segments for the structure // As we do this over and over again, each line gets broken into 4 lines, which gets broken into 4 lines, and so on. . . ArrayList iterate(ArrayList<KochLine> before) { ArrayList now = new ArrayList<KochLine>(); // Create emtpy list for(KochLine l : before) { // Calculate 5 koch PVectors (done for us by the line object) PVector a = l.start(); PVector b = l.kochleft(); PVector c = l.kochmiddle(); PVector d = l.kochright(); PVector e = l.end(); // Make line segments between all the PVectors and add them now.add(new KochLine(a,b)); now.add(new KochLine(b,c)); now.add(new KochLine(c,d)); now.add(new KochLine(d,e)); } return now; } }